Diana Scarborough

Diana Scarborough

Multimedia Artist

'Domino Effect' or 'Crisis' 2011, 2012 & 2018

Domino effect image showing dominoes with printed text and having the word crisis in it

An interactive sculpture created by Diana Scarborough through public engagement, both in the gallery and the text on the dominoes supplied by participants for a month (Jan-Feb 2011)


The printed text is from invited participants who were asked to submit scanned text if they  encountered the work ‘crisis’ in their normal reading pattern over the period between January and February 2011. In return I created a tactile text piece in the shape of a domino and with each submission the sculpture grew.  

I had expected possibly 40 responses and was surprised to receive 130 scanned texts.. The word crisis  became mainstream in part, due to the Arab Spring, a movement catalysed in Tunisia in Dec 2010 by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old street vendor protesting his treatment by local officials. 

8In the gallery visitors are invited to touch read, play or topple the sculpture. My intention was to encourage multi-sensory engagement with the texts, alluding to the ‘domino effect’, particularly in the context of toppling and rebuilding, very much wanting to interrupt the typical rules of sculpture engagement in a ‘white cube’ gallery space’.  

Exhibitions: Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge (2011 ), Open Studios Cambridge (2012), Yarrow Gallery, Oundle (2019),

Domino Diary - a visual colour-coded record each domino

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