Diana Scarborough

Diana Scarborough

Multimedia Artist


Sunconscious Project

Embark on a sonic journey and experience the music and space ‘sounds’ of ‘Sunconscious’ in this specially curated mix from our sun inspired album by Sounds of Space Project. The entire album is available for free on Bandcamp. https://soundsofspaceproject.bandcamp.com/album/sunconscious

Video Credits
Art video – Diana Scarborough
Soundtrack- Sounds of Space Project
Cover artwork -Diana Scarborough
Other Images: S & M Ballico (Northern Territory , Australia)

About the Music
This film compilation is inspired by our third album as the Sounds of Space Project, a collaboration between Dr Nigel Meredith, Diana Scarborough and Professor Kim Cunio. Ten new tracks and two bonus tracks have been created for this project featuring music inspired by and including space ‘sounds’ from the Sun. Like our previous albums ‘Aurora Musicalis’, and ‘Celestial Incantations’, this is a fusion of art and science and a type of dreaming of how art and science can tell the great stories of our time.

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