Diana Scarborough

Diana Scarborough

Multimedia Artist

Diana Scarborough is a Cambridge based multi-media artist working at the intersection of art, science and ecology.


As a multimedia artist with a background in engineering, my practice highlights our relationships with earth, the cosmos and the nanoscale.  I work with experiential palettes of video, sound, installation and performance to establish fresh connections across art-science disciplines. Collaborative exploratory methodologies and art outcomes act as the catalyst ‘to elicit and initiate new thinking processes’ for diverse audiences and disciplines. 


Cradle of Fire was launched on May 27, 2024, thanks to an Arts Council England grant. I am lead artist on an art-science collaborative project working with museums partners and leading creatives. It is a multimedia exploration of the story of the god Vulcan, blending film, poetry, sound, music, art and science. Get involved! 

Cradle of Fire text by Will Hill.
Typography Artwork for Cradle of Fire by Will Hill

 In my role as artist-in-residence at Fruk Lab  I created the video component for the dance and brain biochemistry performance ‘Soothe’ by Infusion Physical Theatre.

Photo Credit: Duncan Grisby
Photo Credit: Duncan Grisby

As Sounds of Space Project,we performed at the Laboratory Stage at Glastonbury and released our latest album, The Seventh Continent. Busy times! We are featured in the art-science publication ‘Antarktikos #2 Light and Shadow‘ by artist Esther Kokmeijer dedicated to the fragile and beautiful continent of Antarctica that continues to inspire my work.





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